Ж. Золбаяр – ‘Амай’:
Тєрсєн он, сар: 06-28-1979
Tel: (976 11) 313 558
Mobile: (976) 9917 0097
Email: club21@mobinet.mn
Шуудангийн хаяг: P.O Box 331,
Ulaanbaatar 46, Mongolia |
Work Experience
2001 - Founder and President of The Club 21 Agency, a management and promotion organisation which represents Mongolia’s leading musicians, bands, DJs and models. The Agency also a leading events organiser, planning and arranging numerous public relations ceremonies for business clients around Mongolia.
2000 - Founder and primary producer, S.A Studio, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
The exact details of the studio’s work are contained in the Studio CV also enclosed. Notably, however, my main work included:
- 2000 Producing, directing and presenting the Club 21 television series, which is nationally broadcast on television.
- 2001 Organising the first ever Mongolian television party.
- 2002 Organising the first Mongolian radio party
- 2003 Planning, organising and promoting the first Mongolian dance music street party, in association with Skytel Communications.
- 2004 Producing and releasing two CDs of my own composition (see Compositions, below).
1998 - Show manager and club promoter – UFO Nightclub, Ulaanbaatar.
1997 - Manger of Andrew Style FM – the Mongolian-Ukrainian Radio station, based in Mongolia.
2003 - Who Am I – Album: Original electronic ethnic music.
2002/3 - I Love You = Album: Original electronic dance music.
2002 - Composed music for a Danish documentary film about Mongolia, produced by Haslund Film, Copenhagen.
2001 - Composed the opening music for the Goeol Festival – the annual Mongolian Fashion Show.
2000 - Composed the opening music for the one-off Mongolian Dress Contest.
1987-1991 - Secondary School #19, Irkutsk, Russia
1991-1997 - Secondary School #23, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
1997-2003 - Mongolian National University - B/A International Relations, additional modules in Japanese
2003-2005 - Currently studying part-time for a Masters diploma in Economics at the Mongolian Management Institute
Other Qualifications
- Mongolian (Fluent)
- Russian (Fluent) [also conversational standard in Ukrainian]
- Japanese (High Conversational Standard)
- English (High Conversational Standard)
Photography: - Course completed in both composition of photographs and practical development.
Sound Recording: - High standard attained by practical experience in composing and then recording two albums of electronic dance/ethnic music, as well as various other works for public broadcast (see ‘Compositions’, above).
Video Editing: - High level of proficiency attained by designing, directing and then post-producing all episodes of the Club 21 television series and also numerous music videos to accompany the singles released from the two self-composed CDs.
Costume, Image and Makeup design: - Completed a course on costume and image design.
click on the image to see full size
Амай - Ярилцлага:
.mongolduu.com: Яагаад trance electron хєгжмийг сонгосон бэ?
Amai: Нэгдvгээрт, монголд байхгvй шинэ стилийг бий болгож, хєгжvvлэхийг зорьсон. Хоёрдугаарт, стиль нь маш их таалагдсан. Жирийн дуунуудаас онцгой єнгє аястай, хєгжмийн зэмсгvvдэд байдаггvй шинэ дуу авиа гарч байсан. Уг стилээр єєрийн дотоод ертєнцийг илэрхийлэх боломжтой.
.mongolduu.com: Хэзээнээс энэ стилийг сонирхох болсон бэ?
Amai: 1995 оноос сонсож эхэлсэн. 2000 оноос S.A студийг байгуулж, монголд электрон хєгжмийг хєгжvvлэхээр ажиллаж байна.
.mongolduu.com: Анхны цомгоо "247" нэртэйгээр 2003 онд гарсан. Дараагийн цомгоо хэзээ гаргах вэ?
Amai: Тун удахг?й гарна. Залуусаа! тэвчээртэй хvлээгээрэй.
.mongolduu.com: Шинэ цомог тань ямар нэртэй вэ? Онцлог нь юу вэ?
click on the image to see full size
Amai: "Би хэн бэ?" гээд цомгийнхоо эхний дууны нэрээр нэрлэсэн. Учир нь "Би хэн бэ?" дууны хєгжим миний зохиосон анхны Chillout хєгжим юм. Цомгийн хувьд эх орноо зєвхєн монголчуудад бус гадаадад илэрхийлж болох хєгжмvvдийг оруулсан. Энэ цомог маань хvмvvст монголын электрон хєгжмийг илэрхийлж чадахуйц байх болно. Бvх хvчээ дайчлан ажилласан тул vнэхээр сайн болсон гэж бодож байна.
click on the image to see full size
.mongolduu.com: Студийнхээ одоо хийж байгаа ажиллуудаас танилцуулахгvй юу?
Amai: Монголд рок, поп, хип хоп єргєн утгаараа хєгжиж байна. Манай студийн хувьд монголын залууст электрон бvжгийн (electron dance) хєгжмийг єргєн утгаар хvргэхийг хичээж байна.Тун удахг?й залуустаа зориулж TV9 телевизээр нэгэн євєрмєц, шинэлэг нэвтрvvлэг хvргэх болно. Уг нэвтрvvлгээр залуучууд чєлєєт цагаа хэрхэн єнгєрєєх аргууд, бvжгийн клубууд, DJ нарын тухай vзvvлэх юм.
.mongolduu.com: Энэхvv Вэбийг vзэж байгаа, дэлхийгээр таран суугаа залуучууддаа зориулж юу хэлмээр байна?
Amai: Бид монголыг хєгжvvлэхийн тєлєє маш их ажиллаж байна. Гэхдээ монголын маш олон авъяастай, чадалтай залуучууд гадаадад сурч хєдєлмєрлєж байна. Тэдгээр залуучуудыг сургуулиа тєгсєн эх орныхоо тєлєє хувь нэмэр оруулан хамтарч ажиллахыг, эх орондоо зєвхєн санхvvгийн бус мэдээлэл, шинэ технологийн туслалцаа vзvvлэхийг, талын монгол залуучууддаа дэлхий ертєнцийг нээж єгєхийг уриалж байна!
Амай - "Би Хэн Бэ" цомгоос (mp3):
"Би Хэн Бэ" цомгоос 10 дууг та бvхэндээ толилуулж байна. Энэ цомог нийт 17 дуутай юм.
01. - Дурсамж
02. - Эх орон ft. УГЖ. Сосорбарам
03. - Ганцаараа ft. Минжинсор
04. - Мандах Наран (Traditional Music mix) ft. Yенч
05. - Max Dance
06. - My EGO
07. - Mongolian Trance (Club mix)
08. - Онигоо (new version)
09. - Уйтгар ft. Морин хуурын Чилvгэн дєрвєл
10. - Ёохор (Traditional Dance Music mix) ft. Yенч
дууны файлийг татаж авахын тулд хулганы баруун товчийг дарж 'save target as' гэдгийг сонгон татаж авна уу.
SA Studio:
Postal Address: PO BOX 331, Ulaanbaatar – 46, Mongolia
Address: Bayangol Distict, 10th horoolol, Ulaanbaatar Palace Complex
Telephone: (976) 9917 0097
Email: club21@mobinet.mn
SA Studio is part of the Bilguun Inter company.
The studio was formed on the 2nd February, 2000, with the following intentions:
- 2002 The production of original music, especially dance music.
- 2003 The promotion of a new musical culture within Mongolia.
- 2004 The logistical organization of parties, events and discos.
- 2005 From 2003, the production of regular TV programs and music videos.
The studio has been at the forefront of the modern music scene within the country. It has organized numerous ground-breaking events, including the first ever Mongolian dance music street party, and Mongolia’s first TV party. The studio has also released the first Mongolian dance CD, ‘I Love You’, composed by Amai, the studio’s founder. September 2003 sees the release of the studio’s 2nd CD, provisionally titled ‘Who Am I’.
The Studio’s personnel are as follows:
Founder/Producer | Jambalsuren Zolbayar – a.k.a: ‘Amai’ |
Producer | D. Enhtaivan |
Manager | Tom Lane (England) |
Operator | L. Tumengerel |
Designer | B. Gansuh |
Systems Operator | P. Davaadoj |
Additionally, the studio has a department called Club 21, an organization consisting of leading DJs, models and media personalities, who proactively participate in the national promotion of 21st century youth culture. The studio helps to produce the television series ‘Club 21’, which was broadcast on UBS TV and is due to be aired on TV9 from 2003. The series has an international flavor, with much of the first season being filmed in Japan (Tokyo) and Singapore. The next series will be filmed in Russia (Moscow), the USA (New York, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles), Germany (Berlin), and also in England (London). The first series included interviews with the DJ Robert Sanchez, DJ Sister Bliss, Japan’s DJ Tetsuya and Singapore’s DJ K.S. The program also provided features on internationally renowned clubs such as Zouk (Singapore), Yellow, Air and Velfarre (all Japan). In Singapore, the program formed a partnership with the dance music radio station FM KRWZ.
Club 21’s activities have included:
2.2.2001 Club 21’s first dance music party. Held in Money Train disco club, the main highlight of the show was the award ceremony for the positions of “PARTY QUEEN” and “PARTY KING”, designed to promote awareness of progressive fashion.
28.6.2001 On the birthday of AMAI, the second party was organized in the Mongolian Ministry of Sounds disco club. Notably, all leading Mongolian DJs performed at the event.
9.2001 A progressive party held in Open Center. The main innovation was the parallel playing of trance and dance music, one on each floor of the club. This was one of the first instances of such a technique in Mongolia.
27.1.2002 In association with UBS music channel, the studio organized Mongolia’s first ever TV party. The event was held in the TV studio itself, and featured a live TV broadcast. All leading DJs attended, taking the opportunity to explain DJ artistry on television.
1.2002 The studio organized an event in combination with the Manhattan disco club, FM radio 107 and Zaluus newspaper. FM radio broadcast the event directly to the public, and a description of the party was later published in the Zaluus newspaper.
3.2002 With the assistance of Mongolian National TV and the information program HIT, the studio organized a nationally broadcast TV program. The intention of the show was to explain electronic music and culture to the entire Mongolian public.
3.2002 Erdenet Tour Party. This was a trip by Club 21’s DJs to the third largest city in Mongolia, and was organized in order to introduce a touring party culture to Mongolia. The party was held in the Neptune disco club.
19.4.2002 Mongolia’s first electronic dance music street party. This was organized in association with the cellular phone operator Skytel and the production company ARIGU. The event was held to celebrate and publicize the launch of the new D-20 mobile phone service.
5.7.2002 Together with ARIGU and the MSM company– the Mongolian distributor of Daimler Chrystler - the studio hosted a lottery for a SLK Mercedes Benz, on the premises of the Bayangol Hotel.
20.07.2002 The studio organized a private outdoors party for the National Geographic Channel, which had just finished filming a program that included an interview with Amai.
31.10.2002 Club 21 held a masked Halloween party in Mongolia’s largest club, Lazerland, in the Ulaan Baatar Palace complex.
27.12.2002 The Club organized the New Year party for HAS BANK, held outside of Ulaan Baatar.
??.08.2003 The Club was hired to organize and promote the opening ceremony and street party for the recently completed Hyundai Superstore. The party included audience interaction with leading DJs and presenters, and various popular bands performing live. This included *****
Since May 2003, the studio and Club 21 have been working on the ‘Club 21’ television series. The studio is also in contact with various prominent foreign DJs, in the process of organizing invites for them to perform in Mongolia.
Ярилцлагыг бэлтгэсэн Enhtaivan, Tseegii, & DoRe.